
There is a place in our life, in everyone's life, where for the first time we experience the consciousness of who we are and what we were born for. This place is always a book.

Thomas Allocca

T H O M A S   A L L O C C A


Investigazioni storiche, urbanistiche, architettoniche, alla ricerca dell'insediamento longobardo di Corleto Monforte  |  December 2024  |  ISBN 9791221079937  |  Italian  |  published by White Oak Arkitecture, Italy  |  copyright Thomas Allocca  |  paperbook 32 x 24 cm  |  hardcover  |  80 pages  |  $ 240

T H O M A S   A L L O C C A   _   C A M I L L A   F R A N C E S C A   F I L O G R A N A

New York

June 2018  |  ISBN 9791220033732  |  English  |  published by Other Size Gallery, Italy  |  copyright Thomas Allocca, Camilla Francesca Filograna  |  paperbook 24 x 24 cm  |  hardcover  |  80 pages  |  45 photos  |  $ 240